開祖 植芝盛平翁が創始せし合気道を修業あるいは合気道に親しむ者同士が互いに切磋琢磨し、技を通してその稽古がお互いの存在を認め、尊敬し合うところまで禊ぎ祓い
We practice and enjoy Aikido, founded by Morihei Ueshiba. We develop ourselves and each other by learning and improving from others.
Our training elevates and purifies (misogi) the spirit to allow practitioners to fully appreciate and respect one another.
Though repeated exploration and validation of the powerful core principle, “union of the mind of oneself with the mind of heaven”, we teach and propagate the spirit of true peace, devoid of all conflict. We prevent at all costs a world of “the survival of the fittest”, where the strong flourish and the weak perish.
We aim to study the mindset behind martial arts = bu (武):“all begins with rei and ends with rei” (礼, respect and honor).
The fundamental principle behind Aikido is the “total negation of violence”. As such, Aikido rejects completely the “beating” and “striking” of an opponent with the limbs of the body.
Instead, Aikido is a unique art that operates with the core concept of irimi-tenkan (入身転換), in which the “limber” body is trained to avoid physical impact with the opponent. In order to do so, the Aikido practitioner cultivates a “center” (正中線) to move fluidly at “a single tempo” (一調子).
Aikido is simultaneously gentle and sharp; it features slow movements as well as the speed of aiki-kenjyutsu (sword Aikido) and aiki-jojyutsu (staff Aikido). We invite our Dojo members to join us in the studying and honing of the skills of this rich martial art.
【稽古について】 About practice (Keiko)
The aim of our keiko (稽古) is to move the body precisely, finely and gently. Aikido is not a sport of high physical exertion, so prospective practitioners do not need to worry about levels of physical ability. We welcome participants of all ages, all genders, and all levels of physical and Aikido ability.
【道場略歴】History of Dojo
2014年 12月 (公財)合気会に当会が登録され、中広道場を設立する。
2015年 12月 中広道場1周年
2016年 07月 総合型地域スポーツクラブ鯉城ふれあいクラブに加入し、活動場所を白島道場へ移す。
2023年 07月 白島道場7周年
2023年 11月 第13回国際疲労学会での演武会に参加
Dec/2014 Accepted as registered dojo from Aikikai Foundation, started its activity at Nahahiro Dojo
Dec/2015 1st anniversary Nahahiro Dojo
Jul/2016 Joined Rijo sport club, change its place to Hakushima Dojo
Jul/2023 7st anniversary Hakushima Dojo
Nov/2023 Participation in the demonstration at the 13th International Fatigue Congress